Thieves Oil: In 1413 AD the Bubonic Plague, better known as The Black Death/Pestilence/Great Plague was rife in Europe, spreading like wild-fire among citizens of all ages and doctors alike. It seemed impossible at the time to live in the vicinity of anyone with this horrible bacterial disease without contracting it, and, at the time the sickness really did mean ultimate death, there was no cure at all. During this time, in Marseille - France, 4 men were taking advantage of the death and devastation and became famous for robbing the possessions of the infected and dead - yet never actually catching the disease themselves. People were stunned that these thieves were able to touch the bodies and remain healthy. Word began to spread about a special concoction that the thieves were using to protect themselves. It was said that this special oil could be soaked into a cloth and wrapped over the nose to prevent the ‘pestilence’ from entering. Eventually these men were captured, at the time the crimes they committed were punishable by burning alive! The judge at their trial was so intrigued by how these men had stayed immune to this terrible disease that he told them if they shared their secret, (they were perfume & spice merchants who were unemployed due to the closure of the sea ports and the devastation of the plague) he would not commit them to the fire. They told that they had prepared an essential oil recipe that, when applied to their hands, ears, temples, feet and a mask over their mouths, kept them safe from infection. The judge stayed true to his word. The men were not burned alive, but were hanged for their crimes instead. (Borrowed from : Golden thieves oil, contains a very precise formulation of all the original magical oils as well as Helichrysum splendidum. Each of these oils boasts amazing qualities and united make one mean healing blend. Brilliant for scarring and helping heal open wounds (especially when they are troublesome). What Essential oils are in this amazing blend you might ask? Rosemary essential oil. Clove bud essential oil. Eucalyptus essential oil. Cinnamon essential oil. Lemon essential oil. Helichrysum splendidum essential oil


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